Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Local Real Estate Firm's Benefits

 There is a discrepancy because real estate is local. You cannot expect to know about what’s going on in the real estate market in my little neighborhood if you live 50 states away. If you’ve never set foot in my house, you don’t know how it differs, good or bad, from the other houses that sold around here. So those third-party websites have no clue what any given house is accurately worth from their corporate headquarters. It’s just a big guess based on a computer algorithm. Hence, the discrepancies.

The only way to know that your house is really worth it is to call a local realtor or appraiser. Boots on the ground. A Realtor will give you an accurate current value on your house, with no obligation. Don’t use those third-party sites to determine the value of your house. That would be like using a virtual Doctor on the Internet to deliver your baby. Sometimes you have to stay local firm

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